Friday, 5 April 2013

First Consulation at Holistic Dentist

I researched for a holistic dentist and found one quite close to my house. The dentist had practised for a number of years with the late Dr Jack Levenson (founder of the British Society for Mercury Free Dentists). The dentist practice website contained all the right information, the right protocol (rubber dam, air filtration, supplements) and use of metal free bio-compatible materials so I booked an initial consulatation.

He took the usual x-rays and had a camera. He showed me the blown up pictures where you could quite visibly see the stress fractures in 2 of my teeth. Well, there is the evidence that amalgams do indeed crack teeth! Amalgam expands and contracts at different rates to the teeth, this puts pressure on the tooth and cracks it. Eventually bits of the tooth will fracture off where you will require crowns or removal of the tooth. As amalgam does not bond to the tooth you have gaps down the sides where bacteria can travel to the bottom and continue to errode your tooth in a place you cannot clean. This in itself proves amalgam is not a good filling material.
One tooth of mine has always throbbed since the day the filling was put in, I just thought that this was normal. I have to say its been getting worse lately, sometimes hurts when I bite something crunchy. I don't tend to eat crunchy food as my teeth feel weak and find it hard to bite into crunchy things.

So he concluded I would need 2 ceramic inlays and the rest would be composite fillings. The fillings actually bond to your teeth, unlike amalgam, and will therefore bond with my teeth and cement the cracks back together. My teeth should then be strong again.

My BPA alarm bells went off over the composties, so I asked for information on what composites he would use. He said he would send me the information and I was a bit annoyed as he didn't want to discuss why his composties were safe. I just wanted reassurance as to why he decided those were the best. So I decided to wait for the information and then I could disucss more.
He also performed an Electrogalvanic test. In a re-occuring dream I have had since the fillings were put in I rip the teeth out in a certain order, well thats the same order as the micro-amp readings. Maybe my subconcious mind was right all along. Not had this dream since deciding to take them out.

I was also given a list of supplements to take the week before the first removal.

The dentist said 80% of people get better, especially with issues such as fatigue and arthritic type pains. The trouble is they have to be careful what they say still, otherwise they could be struck off, so they are stuck unable to tell you the whole truth.

I am excited, I feel like I have made the right decision, some people in your life will have such negative reactions to your decision. I have to have my fillings out now anyway because 2 of my teeth are cracked, so I might as well do the others (the negative people can stick that fact somewhere!).

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