Friday, 5 April 2013

Drill Day 1

Its the 15th March 2013... we will see if I am well enough to finish this post when I get back! He said I should feel fine but I know I react to everything. Got hubby standing by in case he needs to collect me.

Just sitting here waiting to go now.....
I am actually looking forward to getting these evil things out of me.
Slightly nervous, no one really wants a dental drill in their mouth!

So its now 5th April..... I did not finish the post that day because I felt so well and wanted to go out and enjoy myself...... so now I am catching up my blogging!

So back to 15th March....

As I was putting on my coat the reality hit me. I felt sick, very nervous, what was I doing, should I be doing this, my thoughts were racing.
Get to the dentist office, they were really nice to me. My heart still racing.

The Procedure

Getting on the chair bit difficult due to my bad shoulder. Then the dentist starts moving the chair up and down, up and down as he fiddled about...obviously he has never had vertigo... god the room was not good. So he was taking moulds and things like that for my inlay ceramics. Sit up rinse, sit back down chair move up and down, up, room spin, down, room spin, up, room spin, down, room spin... thanks!!

Eventually sorted himself out and put some numbing cream in my mouth. Then he puts the needle in. You can't really feel it. The next part is the worst, my whole side of my jaw went stiff and so painful. Then he asked me to open my mouth, I could barely open it the pain and stiffness in my jaw muscles was too much. But I did (afterall I am used to living with 24/7 pain). He kept asking me if my lip had gone numb. I had no idea my whole face always feels numb. I kept saying I don't know. Think he thought I was mad. After about 1/2 hour anaesthetic kicked in and nothing hurt any more.

So he inserted the rubber dam. It is a piece of rubber with metal clips. He punches holes where your teeth go through. He then uses a piece of floss to wedge the rubber inbetween your teeth. This is uncomfortable, especially as my teeth are really tight together (so tight it is hard for me to floss so I use the interdental sticks). He then puts sealant around the teeth to make sure the rubber dam doesn't have any gaps. It does feel like you have a giant bit of rubber in your mouth but it is nice because you can't feel what they are doing with your tongue and easy to keep your tongue out of the way.

So they turn on their big air filter and put it right up to your face. Its so noisy!

So the dreaded drilling begins. As he starts drilling he checks the rubber dam is still sealed. The assistant is there with the water and suction. He uses a very quiet drill you don't feel a thing. The drilling takes 5 mins if that because he aims to get the amalgam out in one big lump to reduce vapour emission. One gone. Starts on the second one.

Few mins later I get this mass wave/sensation go down my right arm, right leg and the inside of my left thigh. It was a bit like a shock wave, but a good shock wave. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted, all the lead weight had been lifted from my right arm. Then the dentist said to me "thats all the amalgam out". Now remember this is only 2 out of my 6 fillings. I never expected anything to happen until all my fillings had gone.

He then used the hand slow drill to remove the decay underneath the amalgam filling (again more evidence that amalgam fillings just simply do not do the job a filling is supposed to do i.e. stop the decay). This is the horrible drill it vibrates your mouth. But it didn't take long.

He then removed the rubber dam. I then had a rinse out of my mouth. Your mouth is so numb and stiff it goes everywhere!! Embarassing. He then put temporary fillings which are cured with light. I then had to grind and bite so he could make sure they fitted my bite.

My chair was put up, my vertigo much improved.

All done for today :-)

Note: don't eat curry with temporary fillings - they stain easily with a nice bright yellow colour!!

The After Effects

I felt so well I popped into the supermarket next door straight after my appointment and bought some nice things for dinner and bits and bobs. Texted my husband told him I felt amazing! I could move my right arm, driving much easier. My  mouth was sore, my teeth throbbing, my jaw stiff.

Got home and after a bit the feeling started coming back in my mouth. So I had a peppermint tea it tasted so different. Everything has since then! I am smelling things also I have never smelt before (nice things luckily).

The next day I had so much more energy. Went out the next day with my husband. I was behaving so differently, just more energetic in the way I talked. My husband has always been supportive but in his heart of hearts he didn't really believe. Well he apologised that day, he just can't believe it.

I am not cured but am amazed I can feel so different after just having 2 (although they were the biggest and 1 was cracked) fillings out. I don't understand why I cannot scientifically explain it, but I can tell you it is definately not placebo, it is much more physical. Any doubts I had about mercury being poisonous are totally blown away.

By Monday I had proper tooth ache. So I put pure coconut oil on my gum by the tooth, really took my tooth ache away and it never came back. I used transdermal magnesium on my jaw muscle and the pain went away.

By now my thinking was so much clearer, concentrating better at work, still in shock about how different life is. Just the little things in life, like putting clothes in the washing machine, standing up chopping vegetables, these things are no problems.

I've gone from "wishing I could just lay down and die" to "I just need to sleep" ....... well thats an amazing improvement.... just from 2 out of 6 fillings being removed!

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