Monday, 8 April 2013

Drill Day 2

25th March I have reflexology session to help my body prepare focussing on mouth and detoxification.

28th March... time for my second session.

The Appointment

I was fairly relaxed this time. Even looking forward to it. But it did feel a bit of a non-event. It was only 1 filling this time, my top right, but after this my right side is done. Also getting my bottom temporary fillings (which had gone flourescent yellow thanks to noone warning me about not eating tumeric whilst you have temporary fillings in) replaced with my ceramics.

So he numbed my mouth and I had to have injections in upper and lower. Again the same pain in the jaw so its really hard to open your mouth, until the anaesthetic kicked in (I opted for adrenal free anaesthetic which can take longer to take effect. You are not supposed to have adrenaline based anaesthetics if you have methylation problems ie if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome type of symptoms).

The rubber dam went over my upper tooth this time. If you could feel it more being wedged in. Mainly because the anaesthetic does not numb your upper jaw like your lower jaw. Again uncomfortable as its wedged between your tooth, but its OK. Then the big air filter is switched on and put close to my mouth.

So he starts drilling and gets the amalgam out within a few mins (in a big lump to reduce vapour). My whole right leg and lower left leg trembled as amalgam taken out. A little decay underneath (amalgam fillings just do not do the job!). Then he puts some composite in, light cures it, more composite, light cures. ie it is built up in several layers to make sure it sets properly so that it will last. He then gets me to grind and then polishes up into a tooth like shape that fits my bite. Rubber dam is then removed.

Next removal of my temporary fillings on 2 lower rights. He literally gets an instrument and pings out the temporary fillings. Feels a little disconcerting as it feels like something pulling at your tooth. Then he cements around and fiddles about and places the ceramic inlay. Light cures it in place. He then does some polishing and gets me to grind, more polishing and makes sure bite fits together.

After Effects

I felt well afterwards, no real sore mouth or anything. But what was weird was getting used to tooth shaped lumps again. Metal fillings cannot be shaped, whereas ceramic/composites are shaped like teeth. Makes eating feel more normal.

The next day I went running - it was still as tortuous as ever! But I was able to stay awake at a friends birthday do, then go shopping the next day, then go to inlaws the day after (who live 2 hr drive away) for lunch.

On the Monday felt really tired. Got home from work on Tuesday and thats when the cold started. My cold lasted all week but I recovered from it faster than my husband, which is a real turn around. A cold normally knocks me out for 3 weeks. Yesterday I mowed the lawn without stopping for a rest.. last time I had to have 10 rests!! Then I planted 60 bulbs and 12 plug plants along with weeding in the appropriate beds. I then tidied house and cooked a roast dinner. Husband was very ill with cold so I had to do everything!

I did have some TMJ type pain on left side over the weekend, I think my bite is different and after a few days of pain my jaw feels better. I think my jaw is going back to the right place, not so much feeling like there is sand in my left jaw joint.

Luckily I am better from my cold before my last drill day (can't stand anyone touching my face when I have a cold due to my sinuses).

Its hard for me to tell due to my cold any effects from that filling. However there is definately less dancing spots in my eyes and ghost images appear less frequently. Blurryness has also lessoned. More energy!

Even 1 filling can have an effect, it all depends on your body's ability to excrete toxins!

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