Monday, 26 August 2013

Post Amalgam Removal Month 4 & Test Results

I am begining to recover my intelligence and sanity. When I think back to all those people who said to me "don't be so stupid amalgam fillings are safe" I now think that putting one of the most neuro-toxic substances in liquid form into your mouth where it emits vapour 24/7, no matter how small the amount of vapour emitted may be, and then to say it does not cause any harm is beyond ridiculous!

Somedays I am driving in my car, for example on Friday to the DIY store to buy some paint to finish decorating the hall, stairs and landing (a job I started 2.5 yrs ago and was unable to finish due to my poor health) and I think "wow I feel so great, my vision is soooo good" then I almost cry tears of joy. This normally happens when I drive into the office and I can see further and more clearly every day.

People are still saying how well I look. My skin is amazing never had such good skin. I am still sleeping really well every night, although I am still suffering adreanl fatigue so still feel like rubbish in the mornings. I am doing a lot more like finishing all the DIY jobs that have been building up for the last few years. I am concentrating much better at work and able to remember things a little better, but still a way to go on the memory issues. Your brain is the last thing your body detoxes so I just have to be patient!

So this month I got my test results back and they were eye opening. Mercury affects people in different ways, its not so much the poison but its the interaction with the way individual bodies work and what problems it causes in you. Thats why mercury poisoning is so difficult to prove as the sufferers have similarities but can have very different problems. This is what these tests were about, not to prove mercury toxicity but to find out where my body is struggling and to take the right supplements and herbs.

Hair Test Results

As you can see my Copper is off the charts!!!! Mercury displaces copper, therefore this does explain my anaemia like symptoms. Instead of having copper in my red blood cells I have mercury and this is why they do not work but on blood tests they look normal. My anaemia symptoms have dramatically improved, I no longer look pale and I can walk up 2 flights of stairs without feeling like I am doing to collaspe.

Copper toxicity does explain all of my symptoms

I have now stopped my Ferreglobin tablets (these contained everything I need to make red blood cells, ie they contain copper). These tablets really helped at first but I think I am so toxic in copper I do have bio un-available copper and therefore I needed these tablets, but long term I need to stop taking these. I have upped my zinc to 30mg per day, this will balance out the copper and start to help the body reduce copper levels.

Copper affects calcium levels, but high calcium on a hair test is not indicative of too much calcium  so calcium could be going to the wrong place. My Dr ordered me a calcium blood test but the lab missed it off and therefore I cannot make conclusions on my calcium grrrrrrrr.

A few of my facebook mercury detox support group take lithium oratate. As you can see from the hair test my lithium levels are below measurement value. There is no RDA for Lithium as not many studies have been done, but as my levels are so low I am not worried about taking it short term as an experiment. Lithium is supposedly essential for transporting B12 and folate accross the blood brain barrier, I am taking methyl-folate and methyl-B12 but maybe its not going to the central nervous system. So I started taking lithium oratate, this is a safe form of lithium as its a natural form. It is different from lithium carbonate which is the form they give out in prescriptions. the controversy with lithium carbonate is they have to give high doses otherwise it does not reach the brain, which in turn potentially makes your body lithium toxic which may cause kideny problems. Hence why drs meed to monitor you and you can only get it on prescription. Therefore you can take lithium oratate in small safe doses and it is supposed to be much more effective at getting past the blood brain barrier.
So far I have noticed my visual snow has improved and although I still have the same amount of time where I have the energy to work, within that time I am much more productive. I am not really anxious or depressed so no effect there, although feeling more lovey dovey towards my husband but that might be the PMS emotions kicking in haa haa.

The hair test report concluded:
  • slow metaboliser type 1 (this will create poor absorption of nutrients which will create poor metabolic rate ie a vicious circle)
  • parasympathetic dominanent
  • tendency towards decreased thyroid activity
  • tendency towards decreased adreanl function
Here is an article about the para and sympathetic nervous system:

Cortisol 24 Hr Saliva Test

Here is article on adrenals and adrenal fatigue/burnout
My test results show that I am "Maladaption stage 3, pre-adrenal fatigue". I would say I had proper adrenal fatigue but have been accidently following a recovery plan for adrenal fatigue for 12 months in effort to heal myself before I understood what was really wrong. So to me this shows I have improved although I don't have the test to prove it. My test indicates long term stressors depleting adrenal reserves.
Morning cortiol is indicative of overall cortisol which is low and in afternoon (when I get sleepy) my body tries to compensate. My DHEA is consistently low. My secretory IgA is normal but on low side.

Blood Work and Dr appointment

Unsurprisingly all my blood work was "normal", it always is using the "NHS we don't want to spend any real money curing you tests". I would beg to differ.

My dr again unsurprisingly thinks my hair tests and my adrenal test is a load of rubbish (even though you can with some difficulty get the 24 hr saliva test on the NHS). But he does want to test my blood calcium and copper levels. So after some debate and him not knowing what the symbol for copper was I agreed to the copper blood test as I do need my calcium test anyway, I can guarantee you the copper will be normal!

I did manage to get all my tests results this time. Unfortunately the NHS does not do reverse T4 therefore I cannot fully asses my thyroid function but my TSH is a little on high side at 4.5 (mu/L) which implies my thyroid is struggling according to Thyroid UK research it should be near 2.5. T3 (4 pmol/L) and T4 (12.4 pmol/L) are in normal ranges.

What is strange is my Ferritin (Stored Iron) level of 45(ug/L). I have been supplementing with Iron for 10 months and my ferritin level is still the same as before supplementation.
My vitamin D levels have dramatically risen from 61 to 191 nmol/l which implies my digestive systems does absorb some nutrients. I am wondering if my original number was in ng/ml in which case I should be comparing 61 to 76ng/mls which sounds more plausable. I will ask as my next dr visit. I have stopped taking the Vitamin D until I understand my calcium levels.
My hair tests says I am copper toxic and copper is known to interfere with Iron utlisation so this ferritin level does back up the theory that it is copper toxicity causing all my symptoms.

I have decided not to take Iron supplement as it seems to be a waste of time and Andy Cutler says that the body will try and get rid of all oxidising agents and it is easier to get rid of Iron instead of the mercury! I have just started taking Chlorophyll as someone on detox support group recommended this to help with energy instead. It tastes disgusting!

Next Steps

I am feeling so good still I have decided to try and do this the natural way, in future I can always change and do Andy Cutler method. I am not as sick as some people who are bed bound or in a wheel chair from this so I have the luxury of being able to not do DMSA and I worry about putting additional pressure on my kidneys. I would want to do Chris Shades method but no support for that here in the UK.
So I am carrying on with my herbs and supplements as I seem to be doing well on them.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Month 1 & 2 post Amalgam Removal

Week by Week Diary:

Week 1 - The first 2 weeks was pretty hectic due to life (work, friends hen do) so I was feeling quite tired.
Started taking 1 seagreen tablets twice a day as my dentist instructed (Dr. Levenson protocol)
Exactly 1 week after my final removal my right eye went bloodshot but luckily only lasted for a day.
People commenting how radiant I looked after sauna at my friends hen do (supposed to be really good for us mercury poisoned folk). Skin did feel really good.

Week 2 - Work was crazy, felt exhausted / rough. Also had a massage, helped relieve these really bad rib pains I had been getting and were waking me up in the night, shoulder much better. Made me more tired!
Upped my dose to 2 seagreen tablets twice a day as my dentist instructed (Dr. Levenson protocol). Started to take turmeric for my recurring boil infections. But also it's supposed to be good for the liver, bonus!
Weekly 3 mile run 11 seconds slower.

Week 3 - I got bad period pain, which was weird because I had no pain whatsoever for the last 4 months. Felt quite rough some evenings but no "waking up and wanting to die at 5am in the morning" attacks. Friends wedding next week worried I won't be able to enjoy it so booked emergency reflexology session concentrating on my adrenals and thyroid. My reflexologist is impressed with my improvement.
Finally had time to start looking into detox methods. Started listening to lectures by Chris Shade on you tube/mercola. The more I learn about how mercury messes up your body the more scared and angry I am!

Week 4 - 5 - I made my running target, which is my pre wisdom tooth operation time. I couldn't believe it I finally done it! Only took a year and £2.5k worth of dental work!
Had my friends wedding had a great time was dancing on the dance floor! I was so exhausted for the whole week afterwards  too much excitement for my adrenals!
I started taking milk thistle this week.

Week 6 - Had a really good run was 40 seconds faster than the week before definitely feel new blood cells that actually work.
Blister in my left eye has gone and yellow is a lot less, I think it's the milk thistle.

Week 7 - I actually went to a music festival. I stayed in a hotel too sick to camp, need my hot showers every day to loosen up my muscles. But I passively smoked who knows what and I didn't cough once. Normally I would be hacking my lungs out. Managed 2 sensible beers each day, no funny turns which was great as was eating really bad food. Was exhausted after the weekend.
I also started olive leaf extract this week for nasties such as bacteria, candida etc

Week 8 - Had my regular massage this week. She said my shoulder a lot better lot more flexible. So I got her to work on my left arm which cramps up every time I try and play the guitar. Well she said so many knots that I will probably get bruising (and I did) so no wonder I can't play! Had a go on the guitar... much better.
Started taking Zeolite Clinoptilolite (there are many zeolites you have to get the good, but expensive stuff). First couple of nights was disgusting made me feel sick but grown to like it, think my body knows its good for me... I think I am feeling much better (yesterday did gardening, housework, laundry, hand washing, supermarket shop, played guitar... thats a lot for me!), we'll see if the improvement continues!
Here is link that explains how it detoxes Mercury, Lead, Tin, Cadmium, Arsenic, Aluminum, Antimony, Nickel and all other toxic heavy metals:

Here is a graph of my running times to show how they are improving:

Temperature testing

I have been doing my temperature charts on and off throughout this period. I decided that I want to learn what my issues are before deciding to go down which detox method. Andy Cutler says no chelating is better than wrong chelating. I don't think you can detox effectively unless you know your issues. Dr Rind tells you now to record your daily average temperature. Take 1 3 hours after waking up and 2 more at 3 hour intervals then use that to do average.

So I was expecting my temperature to be erratic but low to indicate adrenal gland fatigue. But what I found was every afternoon I was running a low grade fever. So now I am thinking my weekend immune system means that my immediate problem is evil infections. I have had recurring boil infections for 18 years (That's not a typo)! I have started taking turmeric and olive leaf extract to try and kill these residual infections off. The lump that my dr told me was a scar that would never go has started decreasing in size.

I need to continue taking my temperature to get better data on what is going on. I am doing 2 charts below is the data so far.

1) Taking temperatures throughout the day (it is supposed to rise after waking, stabalise in afternoon and then decrease ready for sleep). I started to take temperature first thing when I woke up (to check for potential thyroid problems) but that seemed erratic, then I had funny turn and found my temperature drops by 0.5 C. Then I started taking at night when I crashed out or felt wide awake. I only started doing this out of interest but found it revealing.

2) Daily average temperatures as per Dr Rind - this implies Adrenal fatigue as erratic.

Hair testing

I have ordered a hair test not because I am trying to prove mercury poisoning, most people who are poisoned are so because they are unable to excrete the Mercury therefore the test will show up as minimal amount, therefore the test is pointless for this. However a hair test will tell you what mineral deficiency you have as a result of the poisoning. It might also come back with inaccurate results as Mercury disrupts the processes in your body leading to mineral derangement, so you have to be careful when interpreting these tests. I think it will give me insight into the things I need to fix.

Thyroid test

I have booked an appointment next week to see my dr to ask for full thyroid tests.
TSH (the standard only test they do) will not tell you if your hyper of hypo thyroid. TSH is a  PITUITARY hormone.  TSH is like a messenger sent to knock on the door of the thyroid. If the thyroid not working the TSH keeps knocking but doesn't mean that it is doing anything, therefore you can have high value because the TSH is not going anywhere.
So you have to ask for TSH, T3, T4, free T4, antibodies, hashimitos and hormones. See what I can get out the NHS, it's a challenge that's for sure!
Stop the thyroid madness website has great information on this:

Monday, 29 April 2013

Drill Day 3... for real this time

Finally after waiting another 2 weeks due to cancelled appointment its finally here.... my mental state of mind went to a very bad place that first week of waiting...  really tested my strength.

26th April

I am going to have to rush from work and rush back to work as its so busy at work, didn't need the extra stress.

So same procedure.. dentist said so you know what to do by now!! I was very calm.

Injection didn't hurt as much this time, little bit of pain and cramping in my left side of jaw until the anaesthetic cut in. Rubber dam... noisy air filtration unit.

So he started with the upper left. As he started to drill my heart started fluttering and beating so hard. But I was so calm! Why was this happening? Nearly asked him to stop as I was scared but a thought came in my head "Its the Amalgam... just come out you b*****d". He got it out pretty quick thankfully heart went back to normal .... phew I am still alive!!!!!!!!

So onto my 2 lower left molars - I had fillings down the side, with one tooth being filled in the middle as well. I also have a small mouth. The dentist was struggling to get the rubber dam one and he split one. So he did the sides with one rubber dam and then did the main filling with another rubber dam. Got very subtle twitching in my hands and legs when amalgam came out.

Again decay underneath every single filling on left side = Decay underneath every single amalgam filling I had!!!!!
As Amalgam expands and contracts at different rates to teeth it cracks your teeth. My lower left molar has cracked underneath. but as I have no symptoms in it (pain, throbbing) dentist said it should be OK and I shouldn't lose my tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Afterwards he got me to bite down and grind and then he shaped them and polished them up.

Before and After pictures of each tooth:


THATS THE EASY BIT DONE!!!!! Just got to get the poison out of my body... Detox can begin!

After effects

Well I felt well even though I had to go back and deal with stressful work. However 4 hours later I started mid cycle bleeding which freaked me out. Then in the evening I got bad back aches around my kidneys, so bad I could barely eat my dinner.

Bleeding stopped by Saturday midday with a stringy dark red thread... is that a small fibriod?

I doubled up on my vitamin C powder and by Sat afternoon I was feeling well enough to go out and meet my friend.

Sunday morning went for a run, I was 40 seconds faster, not so tortuous. Coughed for the rest of the afternoon (this is normal for me after runs, I run because it clears my lungs, if I don't run at least once a week I feel like I am going to suffocate)

Sunday night I had reflexology. My reflexologist was impressed at how my reflexes had changed. She did a full treatment but more work on my sinus's, liver and adrenals. She said my feet were really buzzing with energy.
Monday morning (ie today) woke up and felt really tired, lucky I work from home on Mondays so no rush hour traffic to deal with. But as day has gone on felt OK, so its probably my adrenals. Even though I feel tired I feel like my body worked hard over night doing things. Definately early night again tonight.

I am longsighted due to genetics, but I swear I am less long sighted today... can focus on things much closer. Eyes still blurry  but I do have less darting sparkly dots. (just realised I am not wearing my glassess lol)

The deep down sore muscles in my shoulder has released a bit, there is still pain there but I never expected a miraculous recovery. However I do think my massage therapist will actually get somewhere with it now... gets better every day.

Only slight pain in injection site on Saturday, but no sore teeth... they look and feel great!


Friday, 12 April 2013

Drill Day 3...or maybe not

April 9th
Had reflexology today. I got her to focus on Liver, adrenal glands but also bit on sinus and circulation, the heart. When you get the final fillings out your body knows and spends the first 3 months cleaning the blood. It definately makes a difference, woke up next day feeling like I had been run over by a bus, I normally wake up feeling like I have been run over by a convoy of tanks.. so that is an improvement.
My reflexologist is actually my friend so she is more open with her opinions of my feet than if it was just a professional relationship. She is really fascinated by the changes she can feel, she said "I know it sounds weird but your feet feel like they are zinging with energy". She is really excited by how much they change everytime I have a filling out.

April 11th
Got a phone call at 8am... the dentist is sick and they can't fit me in until April 26th!!!!!!!!!
I was so upset, I know its not his fault, its just when you are so desperate its like a big blow.
When you decide your fillings are poisoning you, you go through a stage where you just want them out, every single second they are in there they are poisoning you. So I have 2 more weeks, 14 days of more poisoning still to go.
I'm now going to have to have them out on a really busy week, didn't need that kind of extra pressure.
I'm in a really negative place today, the tiniest thing is a big issue, its hard trying to pull yourself back up. But you must, you must always stay strong and when things get hard you just have to try harder.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Drill Day 2

25th March I have reflexology session to help my body prepare focussing on mouth and detoxification.

28th March... time for my second session.

The Appointment

I was fairly relaxed this time. Even looking forward to it. But it did feel a bit of a non-event. It was only 1 filling this time, my top right, but after this my right side is done. Also getting my bottom temporary fillings (which had gone flourescent yellow thanks to noone warning me about not eating tumeric whilst you have temporary fillings in) replaced with my ceramics.

So he numbed my mouth and I had to have injections in upper and lower. Again the same pain in the jaw so its really hard to open your mouth, until the anaesthetic kicked in (I opted for adrenal free anaesthetic which can take longer to take effect. You are not supposed to have adrenaline based anaesthetics if you have methylation problems ie if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome type of symptoms).

The rubber dam went over my upper tooth this time. If you could feel it more being wedged in. Mainly because the anaesthetic does not numb your upper jaw like your lower jaw. Again uncomfortable as its wedged between your tooth, but its OK. Then the big air filter is switched on and put close to my mouth.

So he starts drilling and gets the amalgam out within a few mins (in a big lump to reduce vapour). My whole right leg and lower left leg trembled as amalgam taken out. A little decay underneath (amalgam fillings just do not do the job!). Then he puts some composite in, light cures it, more composite, light cures. ie it is built up in several layers to make sure it sets properly so that it will last. He then gets me to grind and then polishes up into a tooth like shape that fits my bite. Rubber dam is then removed.

Next removal of my temporary fillings on 2 lower rights. He literally gets an instrument and pings out the temporary fillings. Feels a little disconcerting as it feels like something pulling at your tooth. Then he cements around and fiddles about and places the ceramic inlay. Light cures it in place. He then does some polishing and gets me to grind, more polishing and makes sure bite fits together.

After Effects

I felt well afterwards, no real sore mouth or anything. But what was weird was getting used to tooth shaped lumps again. Metal fillings cannot be shaped, whereas ceramic/composites are shaped like teeth. Makes eating feel more normal.

The next day I went running - it was still as tortuous as ever! But I was able to stay awake at a friends birthday do, then go shopping the next day, then go to inlaws the day after (who live 2 hr drive away) for lunch.

On the Monday felt really tired. Got home from work on Tuesday and thats when the cold started. My cold lasted all week but I recovered from it faster than my husband, which is a real turn around. A cold normally knocks me out for 3 weeks. Yesterday I mowed the lawn without stopping for a rest.. last time I had to have 10 rests!! Then I planted 60 bulbs and 12 plug plants along with weeding in the appropriate beds. I then tidied house and cooked a roast dinner. Husband was very ill with cold so I had to do everything!

I did have some TMJ type pain on left side over the weekend, I think my bite is different and after a few days of pain my jaw feels better. I think my jaw is going back to the right place, not so much feeling like there is sand in my left jaw joint.

Luckily I am better from my cold before my last drill day (can't stand anyone touching my face when I have a cold due to my sinuses).

Its hard for me to tell due to my cold any effects from that filling. However there is definately less dancing spots in my eyes and ghost images appear less frequently. Blurryness has also lessoned. More energy!

Even 1 filling can have an effect, it all depends on your body's ability to excrete toxins!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Drill Day 1

Its the 15th March 2013... we will see if I am well enough to finish this post when I get back! He said I should feel fine but I know I react to everything. Got hubby standing by in case he needs to collect me.

Just sitting here waiting to go now.....
I am actually looking forward to getting these evil things out of me.
Slightly nervous, no one really wants a dental drill in their mouth!

So its now 5th April..... I did not finish the post that day because I felt so well and wanted to go out and enjoy myself...... so now I am catching up my blogging!

So back to 15th March....

As I was putting on my coat the reality hit me. I felt sick, very nervous, what was I doing, should I be doing this, my thoughts were racing.
Get to the dentist office, they were really nice to me. My heart still racing.

The Procedure

Getting on the chair bit difficult due to my bad shoulder. Then the dentist starts moving the chair up and down, up and down as he fiddled about...obviously he has never had vertigo... god the room was not good. So he was taking moulds and things like that for my inlay ceramics. Sit up rinse, sit back down chair move up and down, up, room spin, down, room spin, up, room spin, down, room spin... thanks!!

Eventually sorted himself out and put some numbing cream in my mouth. Then he puts the needle in. You can't really feel it. The next part is the worst, my whole side of my jaw went stiff and so painful. Then he asked me to open my mouth, I could barely open it the pain and stiffness in my jaw muscles was too much. But I did (afterall I am used to living with 24/7 pain). He kept asking me if my lip had gone numb. I had no idea my whole face always feels numb. I kept saying I don't know. Think he thought I was mad. After about 1/2 hour anaesthetic kicked in and nothing hurt any more.

So he inserted the rubber dam. It is a piece of rubber with metal clips. He punches holes where your teeth go through. He then uses a piece of floss to wedge the rubber inbetween your teeth. This is uncomfortable, especially as my teeth are really tight together (so tight it is hard for me to floss so I use the interdental sticks). He then puts sealant around the teeth to make sure the rubber dam doesn't have any gaps. It does feel like you have a giant bit of rubber in your mouth but it is nice because you can't feel what they are doing with your tongue and easy to keep your tongue out of the way.

So they turn on their big air filter and put it right up to your face. Its so noisy!

So the dreaded drilling begins. As he starts drilling he checks the rubber dam is still sealed. The assistant is there with the water and suction. He uses a very quiet drill you don't feel a thing. The drilling takes 5 mins if that because he aims to get the amalgam out in one big lump to reduce vapour emission. One gone. Starts on the second one.

Few mins later I get this mass wave/sensation go down my right arm, right leg and the inside of my left thigh. It was a bit like a shock wave, but a good shock wave. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted, all the lead weight had been lifted from my right arm. Then the dentist said to me "thats all the amalgam out". Now remember this is only 2 out of my 6 fillings. I never expected anything to happen until all my fillings had gone.

He then used the hand slow drill to remove the decay underneath the amalgam filling (again more evidence that amalgam fillings just simply do not do the job a filling is supposed to do i.e. stop the decay). This is the horrible drill it vibrates your mouth. But it didn't take long.

He then removed the rubber dam. I then had a rinse out of my mouth. Your mouth is so numb and stiff it goes everywhere!! Embarassing. He then put temporary fillings which are cured with light. I then had to grind and bite so he could make sure they fitted my bite.

My chair was put up, my vertigo much improved.

All done for today :-)

Note: don't eat curry with temporary fillings - they stain easily with a nice bright yellow colour!!

The After Effects

I felt so well I popped into the supermarket next door straight after my appointment and bought some nice things for dinner and bits and bobs. Texted my husband told him I felt amazing! I could move my right arm, driving much easier. My  mouth was sore, my teeth throbbing, my jaw stiff.

Got home and after a bit the feeling started coming back in my mouth. So I had a peppermint tea it tasted so different. Everything has since then! I am smelling things also I have never smelt before (nice things luckily).

The next day I had so much more energy. Went out the next day with my husband. I was behaving so differently, just more energetic in the way I talked. My husband has always been supportive but in his heart of hearts he didn't really believe. Well he apologised that day, he just can't believe it.

I am not cured but am amazed I can feel so different after just having 2 (although they were the biggest and 1 was cracked) fillings out. I don't understand why I cannot scientifically explain it, but I can tell you it is definately not placebo, it is much more physical. Any doubts I had about mercury being poisonous are totally blown away.

By Monday I had proper tooth ache. So I put pure coconut oil on my gum by the tooth, really took my tooth ache away and it never came back. I used transdermal magnesium on my jaw muscle and the pain went away.

By now my thinking was so much clearer, concentrating better at work, still in shock about how different life is. Just the little things in life, like putting clothes in the washing machine, standing up chopping vegetables, these things are no problems.

I've gone from "wishing I could just lay down and die" to "I just need to sleep" ....... well thats an amazing improvement.... just from 2 out of 6 fillings being removed!

Composite and Ceramic replacements

I got the information from the dentist office about the materials he will be using.

These will be IPS e.Max made by Ivoclar vivadent. Some ceramics do contain Alumina which is an aluminium oxide. Because it gets baked at high temperature and made in a lab it is said to be stable and will not leach out. Mine are made from zirconium oxide and other bits and bobs! (I wished I had learnt more in chemistry at school)

Will be Grandio made in Germany by company called Voco GmbH. They still have BPAs (BIS-GMA) @ 1 - 3% which is a great deal lower than the normal composite fillings (they all vary so much). They are made from nano-technology, which means machines working with very small pieces, ie once the material is made there is no danger from this type of technology. It is the processing thats dangerous if the nanos get out of control. (this info was from one of my geeky techy friends who has a nano-technology department where he works). The literature I got seemed to suggest nano-technology scares people! So the real question is over the contents and whether they leach.

I think I probably get more BPAs from:
plastic bottles leaching BPAs into contents (shampoo/conditioner bottles not just water bottles which I hardly drink out of)
Can linings leaching into food
Skin products - moisturiser, shampoo, conditioner, shower/bath products
Using plastic containers to freeze food

So I will make more of an effort to cut my exposure this way. The alternatives to composites are glass iomers which often contain flouride. After my experiment with flouride free toothpaste I feel I am much more susceptable to negative effects of Flouride. Non BPA ones contain methyl-esters which can be just as bad. So I decided to have this composite. It is hard to choose which poison from a list of poisons. I will be working very hard to never get another cavity.

Interesting reading:


This time I know exactly what is going in my mouth and what potential risks there might be. This is called informed consent. Something none of us were ever given when mercury was put in our mouths!

First Consulation at Holistic Dentist

I researched for a holistic dentist and found one quite close to my house. The dentist had practised for a number of years with the late Dr Jack Levenson (founder of the British Society for Mercury Free Dentists). The dentist practice website contained all the right information, the right protocol (rubber dam, air filtration, supplements) and use of metal free bio-compatible materials so I booked an initial consulatation.

He took the usual x-rays and had a camera. He showed me the blown up pictures where you could quite visibly see the stress fractures in 2 of my teeth. Well, there is the evidence that amalgams do indeed crack teeth! Amalgam expands and contracts at different rates to the teeth, this puts pressure on the tooth and cracks it. Eventually bits of the tooth will fracture off where you will require crowns or removal of the tooth. As amalgam does not bond to the tooth you have gaps down the sides where bacteria can travel to the bottom and continue to errode your tooth in a place you cannot clean. This in itself proves amalgam is not a good filling material.
One tooth of mine has always throbbed since the day the filling was put in, I just thought that this was normal. I have to say its been getting worse lately, sometimes hurts when I bite something crunchy. I don't tend to eat crunchy food as my teeth feel weak and find it hard to bite into crunchy things.

So he concluded I would need 2 ceramic inlays and the rest would be composite fillings. The fillings actually bond to your teeth, unlike amalgam, and will therefore bond with my teeth and cement the cracks back together. My teeth should then be strong again.

My BPA alarm bells went off over the composties, so I asked for information on what composites he would use. He said he would send me the information and I was a bit annoyed as he didn't want to discuss why his composties were safe. I just wanted reassurance as to why he decided those were the best. So I decided to wait for the information and then I could disucss more.
He also performed an Electrogalvanic test. In a re-occuring dream I have had since the fillings were put in I rip the teeth out in a certain order, well thats the same order as the micro-amp readings. Maybe my subconcious mind was right all along. Not had this dream since deciding to take them out.

I was also given a list of supplements to take the week before the first removal.

The dentist said 80% of people get better, especially with issues such as fatigue and arthritic type pains. The trouble is they have to be careful what they say still, otherwise they could be struck off, so they are stuck unable to tell you the whole truth.

I am excited, I feel like I have made the right decision, some people in your life will have such negative reactions to your decision. I have to have my fillings out now anyway because 2 of my teeth are cracked, so I might as well do the others (the negative people can stick that fact somewhere!).

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Why I think I have Amalgam Illness

The following are my thoughts based on what I have read (peoples blogs/medical papers), there are so many conflicting studies to prove or disprove the safety of amalgam, you will find people so adamant they are safe, why would a dentist poison you? How can mercury the 2nd most toxic substance known to man be safe inside your mouth? A dentist will poison you because they don't know any better, they have been taught they are safe.... but who told them it was safe? Which medical studies are really robust?

After I had my wisdom teeth removed I became ill with strange symptoms. I went to my drs and they only found vitamin D and low iron levels (very common conditions), it did not explain my symptoms. So I began to research on the internet and experiment (through diet and supplements) to test what I had found on the internet.

At first I researched my most severe symptoms, but as I read about amalgam illness it mentioned other issues that I thought I just had due to school/work stress or age so I never worried too much about those. When I was a child I was always sick, mainly to get attention, so I concluded I was a hypochondriac and taught myself to ignore every little thing. This was good as it has enabled me to live my life but it was the wrong conclusion.

As I started to read I began tying my other symptoms in and realising that there was 1 possible cause for everything. The trouble with amalgam fillings is they leach mercury vapour 24/7 at a low level and 80% of this vapour gets absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs. This is what leads to long term poisoning. For me I think my body has learnt to adapt to it. Slowly over time you become ill which you associate with getting old, it is not until something happens that stops you and makes you think.

Some people have amalgam fillings and have no health issues. Everyone is different, some people's bodies can cope. All amalgam fillings are mixed slightly differently with different % of metals and this will create different effects. This makes it very difficult to prove the illness actually exists and again difficult to prove you are suffering with it.

Therefore you have to read everything you can and make your own mind up on what to do. Its your life do you want to take the risk on mercury? It is still like taking a leap of faith if you do decide to remove your fillings, it might not cure you, and its not easy. And some of your family/friends will think you have gone insane.

How I reached my conclusion
I went to the drs convinced I was anaemic, I suspected I was for a long time as tired and less able to run. I am a woman with heavy periods so I was bound to be anaemic. After my wisdom tooth operation I got vertigo and weird things in my eyes like its constantly snowing. I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open for 1 second, all my muscles seized up and twitched in time with my heart beat. I always avoided the drs but thought this was serious better go. So I demanded a full blood count - it was normal!!!! Then the dr did Iron count and said it was fine - it was 29. Some research says it should be above 50. So I ignored the drs and ate iron to try to get it up, at same time I was inadvertently eating B12. I slowly getting better. Went back and got another blood test (after some argueing, well it is the NHS). My iron had got up to 49 and I did have more energy but still vertigo and visual snow and muscle twitches. At same time dr took vit D this was 51 so mildly deficient. I started taking vit D3 supplements and 1.5 hrs after taking tablet my vertigo would feel like it was doing an emergency stop. I varied the time of day I took the pill and the same thing would happen, it was the vit D tablet making my vertigo go away. Well that was odd I couldn't find any reason for that, my dr frowned at me.

So I was still convinced I had anaemia it felt like altitude sickness at sea level. So I started taking tablets which has everything you need to make blood cells. I was not able to walk 1/2 mile down the road. After 2 weeks on these tablets I could run 3 miles without stopping I felt strong.
But how can you be anaemic but have normal blood test results.
  1. You have B12, folic and iron deficiency so your blood cells look normal
  2. You have low blood volume
So when I had my blood test I felt thirsty and dizzy afterwards, I thought lower blood pressure as volume gone down, normal people shouldn't notice that, so must have lower blood volume.
Again why - because you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is waking up in the morning feeling like you have been beaten up and you feel better and better as the day goes on. I always feel so good at night and so so bad in the morning. But my blood test for kidney function were normal. Thats when I read that the favourite place for mercury is adrenal glands... my first oh dear moment. I thought no must be something else.

I went to garlic restaurant on holiday had 8 cloves of slow cooked garlic and pesto with raw garlic. I suddenlt felt extremely hot like I was going to catch on fire, I drank a whole jug of water and then all my muslces started shaking. I did consider ringing an ambulance. After not knowing what to do after about 10 mins I stopped shaking. Luckily it was not that noticeable as in middle of restaurant. I couldn't eat another thing, so my husband lucky for him had to drink a whole bottle of wine to himself. Went back to hotel room and felt OK but not hungry I did not eat for 2 days, it felt like my whole digestive system was poisoned. After 2 days I felt so much better. It felt like the garlic was trying to cure me. I know that this was a really big clue. My dr just told me not to eat garlic...really helpful.. not!
I learnt raw beetroot is really good for you. So I got some in my organic veg box so I ate a little raw beetroot every day for 5 days. Bit woody but much easier than cooking and peeling (no faff). On the 5th day had a really good run and went to bed. At 5am I awoke and turned to look at the clock and thats when I realised how bad I felt. I honestly thought I was going to die (I am not being melodramatic). I don't believe in God I am a scientific person, but I prayed to God to make me die cos I felt so bad. After a while I fell back asleep and to my amazement awoke in the morning. That was a horrible scarey incident I never want to repeat. Again it felt like my whole digestive system was poisoned. After 2 days I felt soooo much better. Now the interesting fact about beetroot it is a powerful detoxer, it does phase 1 pulls things out of cells and phase 2 combines with the toxins (viruses etc) so that the liver can excrete them through the digestive system.

I couldn't explain these food events I never had problems with food before. I scoured the internet and couldn't find much. Apart from worms or yeast. Well I have a certain female infection every month a sure sign of systematic yeast infections. This got me thinking about when my persistent cough started when I was a student living in a mouldy house. Perhaps it was fungus that has caused my persistent cough, and it doesn't show on x-rays (my x-ray 10 yrs ago came up clean). I run once a week and this keeps my lungs and sinus's clear enough to breath. Sometimes at night I feel like their is fluid in my lungs and my throat closes up, almost suffocating feeling. Sleep with head tilted back to open airways.
Then I read about the connection between yeast and mercury which is not really understood. Candida (a type of yeast) demethylates the mercury, so your body does a deal with the devil and will not kill the yeast off as it protects you. My second oh dear moment.
I have also been taking Manuka Honey. Now I thought my digestion was good until iIstarted taking the honey. I was on the internet (again) researching poo (great way to spend your evenings). This is when I realised I had toxic poo and chronic constipation, but I always had this since I was a child so I never knew it was abnormal! Again this ties back to mercury, mercury destroys all the good bacteria leading to gut imbalance. So maybe what happened is the antibiotics (given at wisdom tooth operation) killed all the other bacteria which keeps yeast in check and yeast went wild and turned into fungus which methylates mercury leading to poisoning symptoms.

This did not explain why I was such a sick child, could it have been the vaccines? But I told my Mum I thought my fillings were trouble, she said "Well I never had any trouble with mine except after your sister (first baby) my dentist replaced all my fillings as it was free to do". Now she couldn't get preganat for 4 yrs, mercury affects fertility, and then she eventually got pregnant with me and all the mercury would have gone into her fetus, ie me. So this could explain the illnesses until I got my own fillings at maybe 13 yrs (I can't remember). 4 yrs later I had my first bought of post viral fatigue that lasted 8 months and brain fog. My behaviour also got worse, I was a naughty teenager, I went rebellious, staying out all night and lieing to people. Maybe this was just normal teenage naughtiness. My 3rd oh dear moment.
Then in November I was starting to feel a little better everyday. I went to dentist for regular teeth cleaning, where they would have nicely cleaned the amalgam fillings releasing more toxic vapour. Well all my visual snow came back on, the muscle pains, the cold shivers, yeast infection and strange tonsilitus and all my whole mouth was sore. Now I really had to research mercury poisoning properly.

With mercury poisoning Vit D will help you detoxify, and mercury steals your energy as it block bodys ability to methylate B12. So I tried a new supplement methyl B12 - well my energy level went right up, knocked 4 mins off my run time. This explains why it feels like anaemia/altitude sickness

All this time I had been getting treatment for my frozen shoulder, monthly massages. I think this has helped detoxify my lymphatic system. The first few months of massages were so tiring would know me out for a week. Now I just feel a little tired for the evening following the massage. I have been well enough to take up Pilates which is really helping too. I still run once a week but I do get an immune response afterwards but its less and less every week.

I also cut down my caffeine as its supposed to be a no no if you have adrenal fatigue. I have been drinking herbal tea instead. I didn't think the teas would do much except cut the caffeine down but they have really helped my re-current boil infections I had this last year, I think its the dandelion tea. I also no longer have any period pain, not 1 single twinge!

I also started to read the dangers of flouride and how its actually bad for your teeth. Well I just tried out of interest flouride and SLS (sodium Laural Sulphate) and my gums feel so much better. I also think it took another poisoning burden off my body. Then I started to look for SLS free shampoo/conditioner, well I no longer sneeze in the shower :-)

The only conditions I can find that come close is Fibromyalgia or CFS. Well plenty of theories out there say these are caused by mercury.
Everytime I experimented the more evidence I got to back up the mercury theory. So I have decided to try my biggest experiment - replacing my fillings. It might not be the cause but it cannot be helping me.

Symptoms that intensified after wisdom tooth operation:
Visual Snow
Blurred Vision
Brown Spots & Blister on Sclera (white bit of eye)
Vitamin D Deficiency
Magnesium Deficiency
Iron Deficiency
B12 Deficiency
Pains running through joints
Stiff Muscles with lots of knots / myofacial pain

Symptoms I have lived with for a long time:
Frozen Shoulder / Stiff Neck
Constant coughing
Wart on Finger for 30 + yrs (implies weak immune system)
Pale complexion / dark circles under the eye
Occasional eye pain
Occasional ear canel pain and tinnitus (varying pitches, whoosing sounds)
Bouts of depression and impending doom.
Numb left big toe
Strange flutters in the chest, like heart beat missed a beat.
Painful heavy periods which stop in the middle and start again, but always regular.
Always feeling cold like bones are made of ice
Recurrent Boils

Symptoms I did not know I had:
TMJ - I have never been able to eat chewy food it makes my jaw ache. I had no idea that this is actually mild TMJ disorder
Systematic Yeast Infection
Sinus issues
Chronic Constipation

Things I have that are not important, but now wondering if fillings are the cause:
Static person, hair very static and always giving shocks to my cats
Dry skin on my feet
Very hard toenails
Whiteheads on face