Removing the Poison - Detox Methods - Healing Associated Conditions

There are many methods to detox, some are known to have bad effects and be dangerous (like IV DMPS, its too fast and potentially damages your organs). You need to pick the one thats right for you. The general rule is slow and steady.

Pre Step - join us at mercury detox support group on Facebook. Patient to patient support, there is no need to go through this alone!

First Step - remove mercury reservoir
Take good care of yourself. Eat things that boost your immune system. Vitamin C to protect body against mercury. Find a good holistic dentist (one that uses proper precautions), and if your really sick take them out over time, avoiding the 7 day immune cycle (don't do appointments 7, 14, 21 days after each other, it stresses your immune system). Take fillings out in galvanic order (your dentist should perform this reading, if they don't find another dentist). Do not cross the centre line, ie don't take one from right and one from left side, this has to be done in different appointments. Do not chelate (if you decide to) until you have all amalgams removed.

Always get the amalgams removed using the safe method as defined by the IAOMT

It is hard to get a list of safe replacement materials. It is best to discuss with dentist get the brand and make and look for the data safety sheet. Some replacements that are often used are:
Voco Fusion
Voco Grandio
Diamond Lite

Watch out for composites that contain high levels of BPA or release fluoride (fluoride is not good for teeth nor your central nervous system, research the real science on this one!)

General rules of detox
In all detox methods your gut has to be working effectively. Your liver is the key to detoxing, it cleans your body by extracting posions through the bile duct into your gut. If your gut is not working it can't do this. If your gut is working too slow the toxins will get reabsorbed!!!!
The correct way to detox the gut is in this order (otherwise could make you very sick):
  1. General gut cleanse (normally with psyllium husk and bentonite clay)
  2. Parasite Cleanse
  3. Kidney Cleanse
  4. Liver Cleanse
Avoid other poisons (flouride toothpaste, SLSs in shampoos etc) and not eating all the things that are bad for us, e.g processed food, caffeine, excessive alcohol. Eating good quality food is a must i.e. organic and grass fed organic beef (not as easy as it sounds!). Do not use sunscreen (its full of toxins which are made more poisonous when heated by the sun), get your 20 mins of midday sun to get your vitamin D (helps detox)... but don't get burnt, be careful and go in the shade. Dandelions are your friends dig them up and eat them! Avoid fish / seafood you don't need any more mercury!!

Stages of Detox
There are 3 stages to detox, and they have to be done in the right order. If you try and pull mercury out your brain before blood/body is clean mercury will redistribute to other areas (potentially worse part of body in terms of symptoms) and you will get very sick:
  1. Blood detox
  2. Body Organ detox
  3. Brain detox
How long each stage takes depends on how poisoned you are and how well your body detoxes (some people have gene defects, and mercury causes micro gene changes and therefore you can have difficulty detoxing).

Detox Methods
Here are the detox methods I am reviewing as potentially safe ways to detox:

1) Dr Andy Cutler protocal - buy his book it contains explanations and is really good source of information even if you decide to go down a different route

2) Dr Chris Shade
Protocol involves stepping up bodies own detoxification system and uses a blood, urine, hair test to understand levels and difficulties of the individuals body to detoxify the different types of mercury. Test cost in region of $250. You need a practitioner to get the test, they can be found on his companies website

QuickBITES #1
QuickBITES #2
QuickBITES #3

3) Dr Jack Levenson - Involves taking seagreens and selenium and is the one my dentist recommended so this is what I have by default started with.
My concern with this and the reason I am researching further is that it will not get the mercury out my central nervous system and out my brain, but for the first few months post amalgam removal it will help take it out my blood as my body naturally detoxes the blood first, so I am not worried at the moment about continuing with this method. Seagreens are supposed to be rich in nutrients so I think they have their place in my supplement regime.

4) Dr Hal Huggins

5) Dr Klinghardt

6) Heavy Metal Detox Product (HMD)
Some people will warn against using this product. Cilantro / Coriander is very good at moving mercury but it does not hold onto it, therefore posing a real danger that is could get redistributed, and if that results in more metals going into your brain then that is a very bad thing. Some people have got very sick using coriander, therefore its important to make sure you research this thoroughly.

7) NDF
Published in the peer-reviewed Explore Magazine, this article discusses how NDF® and NDF Plus® benefit Chemical Detoxifiers.

Healing Association Conditions

1) Thyroid Conditions
Order a full thyroid panel and antibodies. This can be hard to get your dr to do this.
Drs will also tell you that there very wide ranges are normal. Here is a guide as to what your ranges should be:
  • TSH 1-2 UIU/ML or lower (Armour or compounded T3 can artificially suppress TSH)
  • FT4  >1.1 NG/DL
  • FT3 > 3.2 PG/ML
  • RT3 less than a 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3
  • TPO 
  • TgAb - < 4 IU/ML or negative

2) Adrenal Fatigue
Order a 24 hr cortisol saliva test to confirm if you have adrenal fatigue.

3) Gene defects
Order a 23andme test and run through either genetic genie, Livewello or knowyourgenetics to find out your mutated SNPs. Particular SNPs to look for are MTHFR (impaired methylation) and APOE (reduced sulphydryl groups so very hard to detox the brain) genes.

4) Chronic Infections, biofilms and Lyme disease
Mercury weakens the immune system, therefore it could be possible you have chronic Lyme disease. If you think you maybe at risk then ask your dr for the western blot test for Lyme.
Bacteria and viruses combine with metals to create impenetrable biofilms which harbor chronic diseases impacting your health.

5) Magnesium deficiency
It is also known that mercury dramatically increases excretion of magnesium from kidneys. It has been suggested that magnesium loss is responsible for kidney damage witnessed in mercury poisoning.5 That kidney damage may relate to magnesium losses in mercury poisoning appears likely given that the body’s demands for magnesium increase as metal toxicity rises.
The capacity of magnesium to compete with toxic metals for uptake on receptor sites explains increased requirements for magnesium. Another explanation for magnesium loss in mercury poisoning is that greater amounts of magnesium are required for the production energy needed to support the pumping action of ATPase, which must work overtime to pump mercury from cells (while simultaneously performing its normal functions). When providing supra-normal pumping activity in order to remove high levels of mercury, cells may utilize magnesium at higher rates than usual. This may lead to significant magnesium losses and subsequent damage to organs when magnesium levels decline to extremely low levels.

- See more at:

6) Gut Health
Mercury causes a lot of issues  in the gut. They used to use mercury as an antibiotic in the 1800s as it was known to kill off bacteria in the gut, ie all your good bacteria as well. Mercury also destroys enzymes. This can create leaky gut or food allergies due to damage to the villi and therefore particles get transferred into blood stream instead of being broken down.
I recommend zeolite, manuka honey, pre and pro-biotics and digestive enzymes.
The zeolites are thought to make people feel better by modulating flora (yeast, bacteria) in the intestinal tract so as to reduce dysbiosis and promote a more normal healthy state of affairs. They have been used in animal feed for a very long time to assist the animals to take up more nutrients. Make sure the zeolite you use does not have high levels of heavy metals, as they absorb metals very well they tend to be contaminated.

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