After I had my wisdom teeth removed I became ill with strange symptoms. I went to my drs and they only found vitamin D and low iron levels (very common conditions), it did not explain my symptoms. So I began to research on the internet and experiment (through diet and supplements) to test what I had found on the internet.
At first I researched my most severe symptoms, but as I read about amalgam illness it mentioned other issues that I thought I just had due to school/work stress or age so I never worried too much about those. When I was a child I was always sick, mainly to get attention, so I concluded I was a hypochondriac and taught myself to ignore every little thing. This was good as it has enabled me to live my life but it was the wrong conclusion.
As I started to read I began tying my other symptoms in and realising that there was 1 possible cause for everything. The trouble with amalgam fillings is they leach mercury vapour 24/7 at a low level and 80% of this vapour gets absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs. This is what leads to long term poisoning. For me I think my body has learnt to adapt to it. Slowly over time you become ill which you associate with getting old, it is not until something happens that stops you and makes you think.
Some people have amalgam fillings and have no health issues. Everyone is different, some people's bodies can cope. All amalgam fillings are mixed slightly differently with different % of metals and this will create different effects. This makes it very difficult to prove the illness actually exists and again difficult to prove you are suffering with it.
Therefore you have to read everything you can and make your own mind up on what to do. Its your life do you want to take the risk on mercury? It is still like taking a leap of faith if you do decide to remove your fillings, it might not cure you, and its not easy. And some of your family/friends will think you have gone insane.
How I reached my conclusion
I went to the drs convinced I was anaemic, I suspected I was for a long time as tired and less able to run. I am a woman with heavy periods so I was bound to be anaemic. After my wisdom tooth operation I got vertigo and weird things in my eyes like its constantly snowing. I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open for 1 second, all my muscles seized up and twitched in time with my heart beat. I always avoided the drs but thought this was serious better go. So I demanded a full blood count - it was normal!!!! Then the dr did Iron count and said it was fine - it was 29. Some research says it should be above 50. So I ignored the drs and ate iron to try to get it up, at same time I was inadvertently eating B12. I slowly getting better. Went back and got another blood test (after some argueing, well it is the NHS). My iron had got up to 49 and I did have more energy but still vertigo and visual snow and muscle twitches. At same time dr took vit D this was 51 so mildly deficient. I started taking vit D3 supplements and 1.5 hrs after taking tablet my vertigo would feel like it was doing an emergency stop. I varied the time of day I took the pill and the same thing would happen, it was the vit D tablet making my vertigo go away. Well that was odd I couldn't find any reason for that, my dr frowned at me.
So I was still convinced I had anaemia it felt like altitude sickness at sea level. So I started taking tablets which has everything you need to make blood cells. I was not able to walk 1/2 mile down the road. After 2 weeks on these tablets I could run 3 miles without stopping I felt strong.
But how can you be anaemic but have normal blood test results.
- You have B12, folic and iron deficiency so your blood cells look normal
- You have low blood volume
Again why - because you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is waking up in the morning feeling like you have been beaten up and you feel better and better as the day goes on. I always feel so good at night and so so bad in the morning. But my blood test for kidney function were normal. Thats when I read that the favourite place for mercury is adrenal glands... my first oh dear moment. I thought no must be something else.
I went to garlic restaurant on holiday had 8 cloves of slow cooked garlic and pesto with raw garlic. I suddenlt felt extremely hot like I was going to catch on fire, I drank a whole jug of water and then all my muslces started shaking. I did consider ringing an ambulance. After not knowing what to do after about 10 mins I stopped shaking. Luckily it was not that noticeable as in middle of restaurant. I couldn't eat another thing, so my husband lucky for him had to drink a whole bottle of wine to himself. Went back to hotel room and felt OK but not hungry I did not eat for 2 days, it felt like my whole digestive system was poisoned. After 2 days I felt so much better. It felt like the garlic was trying to cure me. I know that this was a really big clue. My dr just told me not to eat garlic...really helpful.. not!
I couldn't explain these food events I never had problems with food before. I scoured the internet and couldn't find much. Apart from worms or yeast. Well I have a certain female infection every month a sure sign of systematic yeast infections. This got me thinking about when my persistent cough started when I was a student living in a mouldy house. Perhaps it was fungus that has caused my persistent cough, and it doesn't show on x-rays (my x-ray 10 yrs ago came up clean). I run once a week and this keeps my lungs and sinus's clear enough to breath. Sometimes at night I feel like their is fluid in my lungs and my throat closes up, almost suffocating feeling. Sleep with head tilted back to open airways.
Then I read about the connection between yeast and mercury which is not really understood. Candida (a type of yeast) demethylates the mercury, so your body does a deal with the devil and will not kill the yeast off as it protects you. My second oh dear moment.
I have also been taking Manuka Honey. Now I thought my digestion was good until iIstarted taking the honey. I was on the internet (again) researching poo (great way to spend your evenings). This is when I realised I had toxic poo and chronic constipation, but I always had this since I was a child so I never knew it was abnormal! Again this ties back to mercury, mercury destroys all the good bacteria leading to gut imbalance. So maybe what happened is the antibiotics (given at wisdom tooth operation) killed all the other bacteria which keeps yeast in check and yeast went wild and turned into fungus which methylates mercury leading to poisoning symptoms.
This did not explain why I was such a sick child, could it have been the vaccines? But I told my Mum I thought my fillings were trouble, she said "Well I never had any trouble with mine except after your sister (first baby) my dentist replaced all my fillings as it was free to do". Now she couldn't get preganat for 4 yrs, mercury affects fertility, and then she eventually got pregnant with me and all the mercury would have gone into her fetus, ie me. So this could explain the illnesses until I got my own fillings at maybe 13 yrs (I can't remember). 4 yrs later I had my first bought of post viral fatigue that lasted 8 months and brain fog. My behaviour also got worse, I was a naughty teenager, I went rebellious, staying out all night and lieing to people. Maybe this was just normal teenage naughtiness. My 3rd oh dear moment.
Then in November I was starting to feel a little better everyday. I went to dentist for regular teeth cleaning, where they would have nicely cleaned the amalgam fillings releasing more toxic vapour. Well all my visual snow came back on, the muscle pains, the cold shivers, yeast infection and strange tonsilitus and all my whole mouth was sore. Now I really had to research mercury poisoning properly.
With mercury poisoning Vit D will help you detoxify, and mercury steals your energy as it block bodys ability to methylate B12. So I tried a new supplement methyl B12 - well my energy level went right up, knocked 4 mins off my run time. This explains why it feels like anaemia/altitude sickness
All this time I had been getting treatment for my frozen shoulder, monthly massages. I think this has helped detoxify my lymphatic system. The first few months of massages were so tiring would know me out for a week. Now I just feel a little tired for the evening following the massage. I have been well enough to take up Pilates which is really helping too. I still run once a week but I do get an immune response afterwards but its less and less every week.
I also cut down my caffeine as its supposed to be a no no if you have adrenal fatigue. I have been drinking herbal tea instead. I didn't think the teas would do much except cut the caffeine down but they have really helped my re-current boil infections I had this last year, I think its the dandelion tea. I also no longer have any period pain, not 1 single twinge!
I also started to read the dangers of flouride and how its actually bad for your teeth. Well I just tried out of interest flouride and SLS (sodium Laural Sulphate) and my gums feel so much better. I also think it took another poisoning burden off my body. Then I started to look for SLS free shampoo/conditioner, well I no longer sneeze in the shower :-)
The only conditions I can find that come close is Fibromyalgia or CFS. Well plenty of theories out there say these are caused by mercury.
Everytime I experimented the more evidence I got to back up the mercury theory. So I have decided to try my biggest experiment - replacing my fillings. It might not be the cause but it cannot be helping me.
Symptoms that intensified after wisdom tooth operation:
Visual Snow
Blurred Vision
Brown Spots & Blister on Sclera (white bit of eye)
Vitamin D Deficiency
Magnesium Deficiency
Iron Deficiency
B12 Deficiency
Pains running through joints
Stiff Muscles with lots of knots / myofacial pain
Symptoms I have lived with for a long time:
Frozen Shoulder / Stiff Neck
Constant coughing
Wart on Finger for 30 + yrs (implies weak immune system)
Pale complexion / dark circles under the eye
Occasional eye pain
Occasional ear canel pain and tinnitus (varying pitches, whoosing sounds)
Bouts of depression and impending doom.
Numb left big toe
Strange flutters in the chest, like heart beat missed a beat.
Painful heavy periods which stop in the middle and start again, but always regular.
Always feeling cold like bones are made of ice
Recurrent Boils
Symptoms I did not know I had:
TMJ - I have never been able to eat chewy food it makes my jaw ache. I had no idea that this is actually mild TMJ disorder
Systematic Yeast Infection
Sinus issues
Chronic Constipation
Things I have that are not important, but now wondering if fillings are the cause:
Static person, hair very static and always giving shocks to my cats
Dry skin on my feet
Very hard toenails
Whiteheads on face